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Availability and Capacity Management

Framework  / Availability and Capacity Management
ACM 1 Introduction to Availability and Capacity Management

Would you like to stop fire fighting and take positive steps to prevent the occurrence of failure as far as possible? Availability and capacity management helps you achieve that and more...

ACM 1.1 Aim

The aim of this section is to introduce the topic of availability and capacity management (which includes preventative maintenance and network monitoring) and to help you implement them in your school with a minimum of preparation and training.

ACM 1.2 Objectives

  • The objectives of this section are to enable you to:
  • understand the concept and benefits of availability and capacity management
  • understand what is involved in the process of availability and capacity management
  • implement availability and capacity management in your school
  • continue to operate availability and capacity management
  • identify useful measurements to gain benefit from the availability and capacity management process you have implemented.


ACM 2 Overview of Availability and Capacity Management

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This material has been developed from publications produced under Becta or its predecessor organisations which was made available under the Open Government License